Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Here I go AGAIN

It is true you can see what only you want to see. So if you don't look in the mirror neck down or step on a scale your body image is perfect. But how do you explain when your clothes don't fit. Hmmm must of shrunk in the dryer.....

Well we know that is crap but it sure sounds good. So here I find myself again participating in Jazz it Off, a competition for who can lose the most percentage.

Why am I doing it, because of winning first prize again! Nope, although it sure would be fun to do it twice. Its this dumb thing called accountability, I do better with structure.

The first week is always the hardest stepping on the scale which you know is a liar. No way do I weigh that much, but we have to write it down. All my troubles would be gone if we could just stretch me like Stretch Armstong. Oh wait he always goes back to his original shape. Another brillant ideal foiled again! That sounds like something from the old cartoon Dudley Dooright, I bet most of you are scratching your head.......who!!!!! Long, long time ago

So I just have to suck it up for 10 more weeks and hope the dryer doesn't shrink any more clothes :-)